Hello there…

My name is Allison Mazzarella. While I could run you through the timeline of my life experiences, it’s more interesting, and a much better story to look at the events God has orchestrated in my life to draw me closer to him and provide experiences along the way that have led me where I am today.

Those series of events jump-started when I discovered a love for the outdoors during my four years at college. I volunteered at my university’s outdoor recreation program and got involved in guiding adventure trips around the country. I gained experience in group management, coordinating and planning trip itineraries and learned the industry standards in safety. Even though I studied journalism, those experiences and passion for the outdoors led me to search for employment in that field post-graduation.

That led to a job at a camp where I ran adventure programs with residential youth who had been abused and forgotten by their families. During my year and a half there, I had the opportunity to undergo a handful of trainings, including trauma and course management trainings. We spent the summers tent-camping in the Ozarks, cooking over the fire, swimming in the lake and processing through team challenge activities.

Maybe it’s because we were in the middle of the woods, but I felt a sense of isolation, not just for myself, but also for those around me. It wasn’t the type of isolation that usually comes from being in nature. It was the forgotten kind - the physical sense that no one else was around. And that’s when I realized there are people whom the world forgets about intentionally – who are marginalized and pushed into a spot where we can’t see them, because we don’t want to. Because it’s easier for us to live in a world where we ignore, rather than face the reality of darkness and sin.

And though the world may try to ignore them, they cannot escape the loving gaze of their Creator. He sees and never forgets them. And He’s always fighting for them. The path He treads is down the back roads of life, but it’s one towards healing. And then I realized that to be in-step with my Father is to be near Him, holding His hand and following His leading. I want that, and I want to be a part of helping others discover that path, to show that there’s a road that leads to life.

And now He’s led me to continue being a part of the work He’s doing around the world and to partner in serving as a house mom at Project Eden, serving survivors of trafficking - a demographic surrounded by darkness that the world wants to ignore. And in order to bring light to a dark world, God has prepared me for the eternal calling of providing hope and establishing His kingdom.


Each donation given here will be dedicated to Allison Mazzarella. For more information on giving see below.

We are under the organization MANNA Worldwide, A 501(C)(3) TAX EXEMPT NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION, which meets the needs of the abandoned, abused, neglected, and orphaned children in the Philippines. As a 501(c)(3) Public Charity recognized by the IRS, your gifts are tax deductible under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) sections 170, 2055, 2106, or 2522. You can donate using your credit card or bank draft here or donate using PayPal. If you would prefer to mail a check you can make your check payable to MANNA Worldwide Inc. with "Project Eden Philippines" in the memo line. Please mail checks to 4255 W Risinger Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76123.

US mailing address:
4255 W Risinger Rd,
Fort Worth, TX 76123

MANNA Worldwide, is A Christian 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization based in Texas. MANNA Worldwide will send individual itemized gift receipts at the end of the year via email or mail, whichever you indicate as your preference. To learn more about how MANNA Worldwide uses your information, please read our donor privacy policy.

Thank you for your support and generous gift!