human trafficking & Exploitation
The Project Eden home.
Project Eden exists in order to serve abused and trafficked girls from ages 4-18. The Project Eden Home is a permanent home placement for girls who need full time custody granted to someone outside of the family. The home provides services that lead towards freedom, hope and healing. We provide safety from abusers, care, education through home-schooling, counseling, medical care, social work and legal advocacy.
The goal is to show young girls a love from the most loving Father, our God, that they have never been shown thus far in life. To open doors wide open for them, that they may live lives of freedom, filled with hope for the future and joy for today.
The stats say that 80% of all trafficking victims are female. With your help, and only with your help, we can reach these girls. We believe that it is an urgent need to add individuals, churches and corporations to lend their expertise, talents and financial resources towards this fight to end trafficking and exploitation of children. Come join hands with us on this fight and get in contact with how you can help.