The home


Project Eden is the rescue home of Manna Worldwide which is a public benefit 501c3 tax exempt non-profit that it is committed to meet the needs of abandoned, abused, neglected and orphaned children within the Philippines. The name “Project Eden” came from a verse in the Bible. We long to restore what was lost in these children. This verse is from Isaiah 51:3 —

For the Lord comforts Zion;
he comforts all her waste places
and makes her wilderness like Eden,
her desert like the garden of the Lord;
joy and gladness will be found in her,
thanksgiving and the voice of song.

We are a faith-based organization that takes the Scripture of 1 John 3:18 “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth”, literally. It is our great privilege to be the hands and feet of the Gospel, this energizes and sustains our mission to act on behalf of victimized children in the Philippines.

Project Eden will function as a protected home that is government certified for permanent placement of girls who need custody granted to someone outside of the family. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon occurrence. The goal of this house is to provide a safe home where they are surrounded by an outpouring of the Gospel daily. A family, a home where their every need is met. These girls will attend school, learn music, dabble in art, play sports, workout, cook, have chores, dress up, watch disney+ on the weekends, laugh and giggle and be given every opportunity to be exactly who the Lord has made them to be. It is our hope that each of these girls would have sisters upon sisters from this home that encourage each other towards a new life of healing and redemption in the future years.

Though we are a faith-based organization, we offer aid without requiring that those whom we help share the same faith. Jesus did not withhold his blessing when he fed the 5,000, he provided, and so shall we.

Building the non profit home.

Current operations

We currently have 6 girls in our home! They range from ages 10-17 currently. They get to attend a private christian homeschool education, are involved in soccer and basketball at a nearby missionary school, are receiving weekly counseling and legal care for their court cases. Praise the Lord that two of our girls have professed faith and been baptized and one more has professed faith in Jesus and will be baptized this year at our local church!

looking for a home

We are currently looking for a permanent home that we could start fundraising for. A home that will house around 15 girls and 5 staff and our office with some extra space for the girls to play outside! This is a big ask in a crowded city like Manila but we know that the perfect home is just waiting for us!

Non Profit certification

Non profit preperation.


We are trained as a TBRI home, one of the few in the Philippines. TBRI stands for Trust Based Relational Intervention and is our form of attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention to meet the needs of vulnerable children. We have 3 practitioners in TBRI who have been able to train our House Moms and the rest of our staff. We get to see the daily impact of TBRI in the lives of our girls. We have seen this form of trauma care heal, inform and create healthy relationships with our girls.