Hi Friends, It’s us, the Hart’s.
Our story started in 2020. Smack dab in the middle of a global pandemic, the Lord created beauty in the midst of chaos. Ever since then we have been a team pushing each other to reach after the one thing that we think matters. That the world may know our saving Jesus.
We think each and every person has a unique way that the Lord is equipping them for that mission and for us, it is in the darkness of child trafficking. We love the broken, we love the lost. We love the defenseless and the vulnerable amongst us. And infinitely more than all these, we love our rescuing Savior and it is our life goal to get to know him better and to make him known.
So here we are, in the Philippines starting a home for trafficked children that we have only ever dreamed about opening. We feel deeply called to work in this dark field that seems at times overwhelming. But Jesus is the light that causes all this darkness to disappear and even more can begin new life here in the hearts that have lost all hope. We rejoice in this.
Korey and I serve as the Executive Directors of Project Eden. We have two little boys, Knox and Kobe and are excited about how the Lord is already using us and will continue to use us moving forward here in the Philippines! If you feel called to help our family do this work here you can donate below, thank you for your partnership with us!
EVERY donation you give here will be dedicated to the Hart Family. For more information on giving see below.
We are under the organization MANNA Worldwide, A 501(C)(3) TAX EXEMPT NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION, which meets the needs of the abandoned, abused, neglected, and orphaned children in the Philippines. As a 501(c)(3) Public Charity recognized by the IRS, your gifts are tax deductible under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) sections 170, 2055, 2106, or 2522. You can donate using your credit card or bank draft here or donate using PayPal. If you would prefer to mail a check you can make your check payable to MANNA Worldwide Inc. with "Project Eden Philippines" in the memo line. Please mail checks to 4255 W Risinger Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76123.
US mailing address:
4255 W Risinger Rd,
Fort Worth, TX 76123
MANNA Worldwide, is A Christian 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization based in Texas. MANNA Worldwide will send individual itemized gift receipts at the end of the year via email or mail, whichever you indicate as your preference. To learn more about how MANNA Worldwide uses your information, please read our donor privacy policy.
Thank you for your support and generous gift!